Parts of Arduino Board

In this post you can study most important parts of Arduino UNO R3. There are different arduino baords as well.

Parts of Arduino Board

Reset Switch:
this is a push button which user can press. once pressed it reset the arduino which means it goes to the begining of the code which running inside the board.

USB Connector:
user can connect Arduino board to computer using a usb cable which comes with the board. this USB connectore can be used to connect the usb cable.

USB Interface Chip:
This chip convert the computer usb signals to ttl signal (ttl means transistor transistor logic) that arduino microcontrol can understand. 

Crystal Oscillator:
This component generate pulses that requires arduino microcontroler to work

Voltage Regulator:
This component convert 12V DC to 5V DC that requires by arduino microcontroller

Power Port:
User can connect 12V DC power adaptor to power the arduino via this port

Digital Pins:
Those pins can be used to input or output a digital signel (5V = High or 0V = LOW)

Tx Rx LED:
those leds blink when arduino is communicating with computer

This is the heart of arduino board. user written program saves and runs inside this microcontroller

Analog Input Pins:
those pins can be used to input an analog signal to arduino (0-5V)
